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Imagine a space you can feel completely safe. Safe to be seen, heard, felt, understood, accepted in all that you are.
Safe to Welcome all parts of you, patiently restoring balance in the ways that align most intricately to you. 

CranioSacral Therapy is a gentle, holistic, non-invasive therapeutic approach (rooted in Osteopathy) that focuses on the subtle rhythms and movements of the CranioSacral system in the body.


The CranioSacral system consists of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds and protects the brain and spinal cord. Tension and restrictions within the CranioSacral system can affect the functioning of all bodily systems; including the cardio-respiratory, muskoloskeletal, endocrine, lymphatic, immune, reproductive and gastrointestinal systems.


​Through the use of light touch and deep Presence, the Therapist is guided by your body in the ways it needs to restore harmony and homeostasis. â€‹

Benefits of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy:
* a gentle yet profound method for enhancing the function of the Nervous System
* a sense of safety and supported Presence allows for the release of deep-seated emotions or trauma that may be held within the body.
* encourages a sense of stillness, calmness, clarity.
* can assist in the felt-sense deep connection to the body.
* stress reduction, improved resilience and restoration of balance to the entire body.

BCST can also assist in managing:
* headaches and migraines
* back, neck and facial pain
* grinding of teeth
* vertigo
* sinus problems
* chronic pain
* post concussion syndrome
* depression and anxiety
*digestive problems
* sleep disturbances


Trauma and CranioSacral Therapy

Dr Gabor Mate'- Leading Physician and Author (specialising in Trauma & Addiction)


"Trauma is a Greek word for wound. Literally that's what it means. So when you understand that, then you realise...trauma is not what happens to you. Trauma is what happens INSIDE you as a result of what happened to you. 


Trauma is not the event that inflicted the wound. Trauma is the wound that you sustained as a result.


That is the good news. If the trauma is what happened inside you- that can HEAL at any time."



BCST and Trauma :


Traumatic stress arouses the Nervous System to the extreme by activating the three survival reflexes; fight, flight or freeze.


When the Nervous system becomes overwhelmed and our coping strategies cannot keep up, we can feel traumatised.

Where the traumatic event is not processed completely, fragments of unprocessed emotion- such as fear can become trapped and locked into the body- into our tissues and cellular memory.


This holding onto stress and trauma within the body can present as a multitude of symptoms in the physical/ mental and emotional bodies; including anxiety, depression, pain and dissociation. In an attempt to separate ourselves from the pain and the implicit memory of the trauma, we can dissociate to some degree from our body, losing our sense of self.


Implicit and Explicit body memory:


Implicit memories are emotional and physical sensations without an explicit (mind) memory context - something happened, I’m not sure what, but I don’t feel right. The body remembers, but the mind does not. 


Implicit memories can be accessed through the body with gentle body-centered therapies such as Biodynamic Craniosacral  Therapy.


Where there is an inherent foundation of safety through Presence and deep listening, this work can be particularly effective in releasing the "issues in the tissues" to assist in restoring a sense of balance in the body. 


Supporting the client to stay present to their physical body sensations during the session not only facilitates safety and releases implicit memories but also helps the client to reintegrate their dissociated parts. This in turn leads to a greater sense of Wholeness, clarity and well being.


Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapy (BCST)

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